Disc/Brake Pad

Brake pads are the elements in the braking system of the car that are composed of steel backing plates with friction material bound to the surface that faces the disc brake rotors. These are held in place and set in motion by a caliper fixed to the wheel hub or suspension upright. When the brakes are hydraulically applied, the caliper squeezes the brake pads and the frictional material against the rotating disc, or rotor, to slow the wheel’s rotation and stop the car. In drum brakes, the pads are called shoes. There are typically two brake pads per disc rotor. Subject to tremendous friction and heat, brake pads wear down and must be replaced as part of a car’s regular maintenance. Any noise that could be labeled as “eardrum piercing” could mean it’s time to have your brake pads inspected.

Buy brake pads for your car at best prices from our online marketplace. We pride ourselves on our high-quality products and our reliable service at competitive prices and believe that’s what sets us apart from other companies. We love what we do and are passionate about making sure our customers have the best possible experience when they buy from us. We offer highly dependable customer service—so no matter what your grievance, someone will be happy to answer your questions or help you out!

Disc/Brake Pad

Brake pads are the elements in the braking system of the car that are composed of steel backing plates with friction material bound to the surface that faces the disc brake rotors. These are held in place and set in motion by a caliper fixed to the wheel hub or suspension upright. When the brakes are hydraulically applied, the caliper squeezes the brake pads and the frictional material against the rotating disc, or rotor, to slow the wheel’s rotation and stop the car. In drum brakes, the pads are called shoes. There are typically two brake pads per disc rotor. Subject to tremendous friction and heat, brake pads wear down and must be replaced as part of a car’s regular maintenance. Any noise that could be labeled as “eardrum piercing” could mean it’s time to have your brake pads inspected.

Buy brake pads for your car at best prices from our online marketplace. We pride ourselves on our high-quality products and our reliable service at competitive prices and believe that’s what sets us apart from other companies. We love what we do and are passionate about making sure our customers have the best possible experience when they buy from us. We offer highly dependable customer service—so no matter what your grievance, someone will be happy to answer your questions or help you out!
